Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our baby Girl

Keira is very alert and active. Only 11 days old and she already has a bit of personality. She is not very fussy at all and just like her daddy will sleep through a Rock concert LOL.

Daddy's little girl. Dad loves to sing to keira as she attentively watches and listens to him. Her favorite song is "Hush Little Baby". Daddy is still learning the words but she loves it. She also loves listening to Beyonce's latest album.
Big Brother DJ is thrilled with his baby sister. He even wrote a report in school about how proud he was to have a baby sister and be a big brother. He loves holding her and kissing her and seeing her with her eyes open.

Mommy: Mommy just adores everything about baby Keira. Still adapting to the sleepless nights and changing one dirty diaper after another. Happy that our family feels complete. :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

ADM (Aye Dios Mio) Will this Girl hurry up and cook. 39 weeks Preggo

("She caught up to Dad's Belly")LOL

(DJ almost 11, looking grown and handsome)

(Photo of me at 39 weeks Pregnant)

Yes, it has been a while since my last entry. The Family is doing great! Anxious and awaiting our little bundle of Joy. Many have continuously asked me Are we still having the baby at home. Yes, we are still planning for our Home Water Birth. No changes there. The plan is to go all natural praying I don't lose my mind in the process.

I have gained a total of 42 lbs, practically all belly and thighs. I'm so tired of everyone asking me if I'm sure I'm not having a "boy". Well after four ultrasounds clearly showing our baby's sex, it better be a girl. I mean I don't mind it being a boy but he'd better love Pink, lol. Thus far I'm pretty much all belly and thighs. Thankfully the weight did not spread elsewhere. Well at least not yet. I keep hearing how many women blow up the last few weeks. Our Midwife says I'm looking like I might go full term which will be the full 42 weeks, which means another 2 weeks of lovely discomfort. "Keira, I love you but you have literally been a pain in the back" :)
We would like to Wish all of our friends and family a wonderful Thanksgiving and a Awesome holiday season. We will keep you posted the next few days as the baby is due any day now.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

FatBoy's Project: Painted Pumpkin on belly

Sunday, October 26, 2008

35 weeks: One more week and we are in the 9th month!

By now Keira should be weighing about 5 1/4 pounds and should be about 18 inches in length. I don't feel her doing somersaults anymore but her movements and kicks are more and more uncomfortable since she's running out of room in there. I personally have been doing good. Still healthy and all. I do notice my mood swinging in all kinds of crazy directions. My emotions are also crazy, I sometimes cry and I don't even know why. Night time is still a nightmare, I never look forward to that.

Drew and DJ are still very excited. DJ is ecstatic about his sister. He wants to be there during the birth. He says he can handle it :) He is so cute. We were talking one day last week while I was cooking dinner and he was expressing his feelings about my Birthing Plan and ideas about going all natural. He expressed a great concern when I told him I don't want any pain medication . He says "I can handle watching you have the baby, but I can't handle seeing you in pain!" We took DJ to the mall last week and he picked out several little outfits for his baby sister.

We are still in the process of getting the baby room in working order. Well all we have done so far is most of the painting. I picked Pink and Brown for the wall colors. May sound kinda blah but trust me they compliment each other very well. We have some shelves to put up, wash all her clothes, and get all the furniture in there. Lots of work still ahead of us.

Overall we are all doing great, Thanks for checking in on us and we'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Walking for Autism

I am participating in Walk Now for Autism to help find a cure for autism. Autism is the second most common developmental disorder in the United States affecting one in every 150 children born today. Despite some promising discoveries, the cause of autism is unknown and a cure does not exist. Research is crucial. Every 20 minutes another child is diagnosed with autism. Not only must we find ways to improve the quality of life for children and adults with autism, but we also must find a cure, and soon.

Walk Now for Autism is our chance to make a difference in the fight against autism by raising money for autism research and heightening public awareness. Please join me in my fight as I raise $200 to help fund essential research. I will be walking on Saturday November 8th, 2008 and would like you to support those affected by autism. You can donate to Walk Now for Autism through my webpage at (copy and paste address)

Donations can also be mailed to Autism Speaks using the donation form located on my page or send me a check made out to Autism Speaks.

Please join me in my fight against autism. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of the more than 1 million Americans living with autism today.

Seneik Saavedra

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

32 week 3d ultrasound

They are all picture of her face so you have to really pay close attention in order to see the form.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

7 1/2 months in and 65 days to go

pregnancy due date
Keira's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds like a head of cabbage. The pregnancy has been going well. Still no cravings, no stomach stretch marks (yay:). I have been feeling a lot more tired lately hence the afternoon naps. I have been feeling clumsier than normal. Fatboy thinks its funny, i think it's quite scary. I feel moody every now and then, so the moods are "swinging" Fatboy won't really admit to it. Dj and his friend Re'Sean were talking one day about how I was eating a lot and they began talking about pregnant woman and cravings. Then they got to talking about mood swings, I thought it was so cute because Dj turned to Sean and said "Yeah, but Seneik doesn't get those because she's too nice for that" I thought that was the cutest thing ever :) Little does he know:)

I am always hungry now, Fatboy calls me "Puerquita" which means little piggy. I guess it's typical being pregnant wanting that late night snack and all.

Keira is a busy body.
MyHotComments.comShe is very active and doesn't seem to understand that 11:30 pm mommy is trying to go to sleep while she is attempting to do the Happy Feet dance everynight.MyHotComments.comFatBoy gets a kick out of feeling her move around in there. My favorite thing to do is to place an object on my belly and just sit and watch it bounce on my belly as keira proceeds to dance in there. Overall the journey has still been a memerable one. Everything i always imagined and lots that i had no clue on.

Stay posted and thanks for visiting our Blog.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Fam

DJ's first words "Cool, My own little Child Prodigy!" in remarks to him finding out about his baby sister Keira. Dj is stoked that he is no longer an only child. He is so excited he has already made plans to help decorate and paint her Nursery. Drew and I of course are overwhelmed with joy that Dj is thrilled. I can admit we had our concerns seeing as how he has had every bit of our attention. Our Family is joyfully complete, well at least for now.......I'd like to think that one more after will seal the deal. Shhhhhh

Baby Shower

On behalf of Drew and I we would like to thank all of you that attended. The Shower was a huge success. Keira is so lucky to be blessed with soo many Family and Friends. Poor little girl isn't even born yet and yet she is so spoiled :) The Gifts were all awesome. A special Thanks to My Step Mom "Maria" who made all the arrangements and paid all the costs. Special Thanks to my Cousin Angelina & her friend Leah who decorated the place and made it look Fantabulous, "Way over my expectations". A special Thanks to My Good Friend Cameka who played a Major role in coordinating the shower stylistically, inviting all my friends & family and did an awesome job entertaining and hosting. Mill Gracias!

Caution: Over a hundred photos it make take a while to go through them.

Keira's Baby Shower "Gifts"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

6 1/2 months Preggo

How Keira's growing: This week, Keira weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, Keira's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now.

Latest News: I am back from California where i had an awesome time with the family. I got really sick the day after arriving with a really bad cold. My midwife says it's from the change of climates. Almost two weeks in and I'm just now feeling better. The pregnancy itself has been good. I did have my first scare when i got back. I hadn't felt Keira in about two days and i was scared something was wrong. Of course i panicked and we went to the emergency room where they let me hear her heartbeat. Boy was i relieved. FatBoy had told me all along it was normal and that maybe i just wasn't paying attention to her having been busy with the moving and all. So he was right! I was actually admitted and placed on a fetal monitor where we listened to Keira bounce around for about two hours making sure everything was normal and okay. I have to admit for my first baby six and a half months in isn't so bad for my just about panic attack :)
FatBoy and I have just about settled into the new house. It's slowly but surely coming together. I so hate moving! Its been so long and tedious. We are excited to see what our little man DJ thinks about the new house as today will be his first day back with us. We are excited and thrilled to see how he likes it. To our surprise there are like a million kids in the neighborhood many of which are his age which is great. Well, maybe not a million but they are everywhere.

Stay posted as i will be posting baby shower photos in the next day or so.... Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

24 weeks

Here we are at 24 weeks
-No Signs of stretch Marks-

By the end of this week Keira will be weighing almost 2 lbs. FatBoy finally got to see Keira moving around in the belly as it is visible now. You can see her poking/kicking through my belly. I'm happy to know that she is splashing around in there training her muscles. Today was the big day that FatBoy and I went to buy my first items of Maternity clothing. I was down to one pair of jeans that fit( The ones you see in the above photos) and that's only because they button on the sides. Even though the weather is still nice and hot i think you can only wear dresses everyday for so long (thank Goodness there are plenty of them in my closet). It wasn't so bad i was happy to see that i am a size small in Maternity jeans :) that was a pleaser! I thought it was cool how they have a moc baby bump that you strap on to your stomach in the dressing room to make sure when you are trying clothes on there will be enough room in the weeks to come. It's also been nice that i keep getting "Cute Belly" comments from random woman when i'm out. I always wanted to be one of those woman you see pregnant who still look Sexy and cute. That's a "Thank Goodness" from FatBoy :)