Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back together again

DJ: DJ just started the 5th grade. He loves is new teacher and is thrilled that our neighbor from two doors down is in his class. We plan on keeping him busy this school year with activities outside of school. He will be playing football and possibly taking a break dancing class. He will be testing out the class to see if he like it next week so we shall see. DJ is getting much taller and it seems like he is growing right before our eyes.

Keira: She is taking steps now, about three to four at a time. She has mastered crawling and is all over the house. We also discovered that she can climb up stairs all on her own with no fear. Oh and how could we forget that she is now saying "DADA". I bet you can guess who is ecstatic about that. He is one proud Daddy right now. She is alot more social and loves to wave hello to strangers.

Big Bro n Sis bonding

She trusts him...

Jihnki is such a girl, has to be the center of attention
She wanted no help, had to do it all by herself

Playing peek a boo behind a tree with Keira

Showing Keira she can make beats ANYWHERE

Daddy's Little Girl

Our little athelete

She was so happy to have her brother back

Looking for something to get into

"Keira Bobira" as DJ would say

Mommy's little princess

Little Princess