Saturday, October 15, 2011

We're back!

NOTE: Our new Blogger address is same blog different address :)
Back on blogger, it’s been a while I know. Things can get pretty hectic with a newborn, toddler and teenager in the house, all three going through their own milestones in their lives requiring attention from Dad and I. I can begin with saying that we are all healthy, happy and in great spirits. Fall is here the holidays are right around the corner and we are looking forward to the many great adventures ahead.

Since our last post baby Xochitl is born a happy healthy baby. She was 6 lbs. 3.8 oz. 18 inches long, much smaller then Keira was at birth. I did have a much stressful pregnancy with many complications so we are just happy she is healthy and here. Xochitl is now 10 weeks old and weighs 10 pounds. We call her our Little "Chocolate Drop" because she is the darkest of the family, we are receiving mixed views on who everyone thinks she looks like. It’s pretty much 50/50 as of now but I believe she is all mommy :)


Keira turns 3 on December 6th and is excited to be turning 3 soon. She says she wants a "Yo Gabba Gabba" Birthday party. We're thinking of taking her back to Chuck E Cheese again, she loves that place. She is still very passionate about dancing and singing, her current favorite characters are Yo Gabba Gabba, Blue’s Clues, Team Umizumi, and Bubble Guppies which seem to be very popular with the kiddies now. You can catch clips of her in action at Everyday she is learning new things she is very smart and has an amazing memory. She is very motivated, independant and a fast learner.She is full of personality, knows what she wants and is super fearless.
Drew Jr. 13 almost 14 now has kept busy in middle school. He's very involved, he is currently a part of the Robotics club, Drawing club and the FCA club all afterschool clubs. He is also continuing to play the violin so we definitely look forward to attending his concerts. His grades are great after lots of pushing and shoving but he's well on the road to having another Honor roll year. We are very proud of him.