Monday, April 27, 2009

Nana & Auntie karin's Visit

My Nana from Colorado and my Aunt karin from Kansas came to visit my big brother D.J and I.

Nana & Auntie Karin

We went out to our favorite restaurant Sakura

Auntie Karin and my big brother D.J

I was all smiles until I saw the flames on the grill, that's when I began to cry.

Mommy doesn't get enough of these family pictures

at Johnny Rockets I was presented with a Chef hat, it was cute until I found out I couldn't get close to the grill :( I thought I was gonna make my own burger.

Pentagon City was really windy so Mommy wrapped me up and had me looking INCOGNEGRO. (Incognegro:Drew's word)

My first Metro ride with Nana & Auntie Karin

Auntie Karin bought a cool Pink Scarf, I liked it it matched my stroller, my shades, my sweater....hey I sure do like pink! So they tell me.

We went shopping on Base at the BX it was really really hot outside, I didn't mind it I got to wear my pretty dress Nana bought me.

One day it was 98 degrees , we went to DC to fly kites at the National Mall. That's our kite in the sky.

D.J got his kite in the air in no time

Mommy let me play catch with her and D.J

I had fun watching all the people in the park

Dad getting our kite ready to go up in the sky.

Nana had a good time keeping cool in the shade.

Auntie Karin is strong she held up the Washington Monument.

Another one of Mommy's family many memories is she trying to save?

D.J playing Frisbee with dad.

Believe it or not Dad made Lamb for dinner all by himself, it was delicious.

Uncle Rob came to visit for the weekend

The Harrison's came to visit from New Jersey. We had a great visit. I met her big cousin Karina for the first time. We got along just fine. It was fun hanging out with someone my close to my age.
Daddy & Uncle Rob held my big Cousin Karina & I.

Say Cheeseeeeeeee

Karina helping with my Binky.

Cousin Karina was very helpful with me, she's a big girl now.


Mommy, Karina & Auntie Gail were giving me a puppet Show.