Friday, April 17, 2009

More Cali Pictures

My second Uncle Pilo came to visit me at my Abuelitos house.
With Mi Tia Martha & Tio Pilo and my cousins Shantalle, Courtney and Arlicia

Here I'm with my Auntie Keona and Uncle Alex. My big cousin Kai was pretending to be a different animal for every picture...that was pretty cool.

Sitting with my cousin Demond, we were trying to figure out what they were saying on the Spanish channel.

Mommy and I went to visit her Mommy Diane, She's my other grandma. Boy I sure do have Lot's of grandparents to spoil me! I love it. We found out My Auntie Niesha is pregnant with a Boy. We had lots of fun there and even went to take pictures, I was acting kind of shy and didn't want to smile.

My Auntie Leticia enjoyed singing songs with me