Thursday, April 16, 2009


Mommy and I's trip to the Bay Area in California was great. I found out I had lots and lots of cousins, met my uncle and aunts for the first time and got to hang out with my Abuelita and Abuelito (that's Nana and Pop in Spanish) who sure did spoil me.

My cousin Kai always made sure I had my Binky in my mouth even when I didn't want it.
I was pretty upset, they woke me from my beauty sleep just to take pictures with me. (Uncle Whodini, Abuelita, & Abuelito)
I had a play date with my friend Mariah. My cousin Andre gave me Lot's of kisses but it was really strange, he always wiped my drooly mouth before he kissed me. Why'd he do that?

Auntie Cameka kept holding me like a Football even though I'm a baby. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to hurt her feelings, she was so excited to see me.

Baby's First Airplane ride

I had been looking forward to the time when I would be able to travel with Mommy just to see what all the hype was about. My First flight! Daddy was smart enough to get Mommy and I a flight on Southwest Airlines, they have no assigned seating so we sat all the way in the back so we wouldn't bother anyone if I decided to Rock the flight with my crying. A complete five hour flight, mommy was very nervous, I could tell because she packed practically all my toys, teethers, medicine, diapers and food. I would have told Mommy I planned on mingling with the other passengers when I wasn't napping but I figured I'd let her feel needed.
The Captain was very nice, he even let me take a photo with him. There was an announcement by the attendant Mr. David over the intercom that it was my first flight, I wish he hadn't done that I wasn't quite ready for the spot light. As we exited the ginormous airplane the Captain handed my mommy my First Flight Certificate, that was pretty awesome.