Sunday, April 10, 2011

Xochitl Calloway

We are happy to announce that we are 5 months pregnant (22 wks) today and are expected to deliver our bundle of joy on August 12.

We just found out last night on the second attempt (first time baby had its legs crossed)that IT's A GIRL! We will be naming her Xochitl Calloway. Xochitl is pronounced Xochitl (So-Cheel).

We have endured a rollercoaster of emotions these past several months, many dont know this but last October at two and a half months pregnant I suffered a miscarriage. With the grace of God and lots of "love" we were happy to find out shortly after that we were expecting again. Pregnancy after miscarriage is definitely bitter sweet. From feeling happy and blessed to worrying about the health and well being of the baby, or worrying about having another miscarriage. Each day has its ups and downs. In the end, I know I have to hold onto my faith and depend on the love and support of my family and friends and come August we'll be blessed with a healthy baby to hold in our arms!

This pregnancy has been a bit more complicated but we have been pushing forward excited to know that the baby is very healthy.

Confirmation...It's a Girl! ----> 22 weeks Xochitl's Profile shot---> 22 wks Xochitl at 3 months----->

1 comment:

mixtape said...

I'm so happy that you shared this news. My heart aches for you, but I'm so excited for you as well. Miss and love you <3