Thursday, April 16, 2009

Baby's First Airplane ride

I had been looking forward to the time when I would be able to travel with Mommy just to see what all the hype was about. My First flight! Daddy was smart enough to get Mommy and I a flight on Southwest Airlines, they have no assigned seating so we sat all the way in the back so we wouldn't bother anyone if I decided to Rock the flight with my crying. A complete five hour flight, mommy was very nervous, I could tell because she packed practically all my toys, teethers, medicine, diapers and food. I would have told Mommy I planned on mingling with the other passengers when I wasn't napping but I figured I'd let her feel needed.
The Captain was very nice, he even let me take a photo with him. There was an announcement by the attendant Mr. David over the intercom that it was my first flight, I wish he hadn't done that I wasn't quite ready for the spot light. As we exited the ginormous airplane the Captain handed my mommy my First Flight Certificate, that was pretty awesome.

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