Wednesday, December 30, 2009

DJ's Christmas Gifts from CO & KS

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Thanks Pop & Nana
Image and video hosting by TinyPic He said " I can totally see myself using it. Awesome"
Image and video hosting by TinyPic "Dad I'll be able to see the stars, Awesome."
Image and video hosting by TinyPicThanks Aunt Karin!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic He was frozen from head to toe
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Her First experience and she wanted OUT!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic In the middle of the snow blizzard
Image and video hosting by TinyPic The boys attempting to make Snow Angels
Image and video hosting by TinyPic She held on for dear life
Image and video hosting by TinyPicShe got the hang of it and was pretty content out there

Keira's First Birthday Party in CA

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Thursday, October 29, 2009


I have been a slacker when it comes to my blog. Sorry to my followers if I have any! Lol!

It is pretty much a fact I don't have a baby anymore. She has been walking for almost two months now. When I say walking, I mean walking. As in every where. She is also running now. She did the cute little baby waddle for all of a few minutes (and this is not much of a stretch!) She follows me around the house and plays hide and go seek in the bedrooms by opening and shutting doors. She doesn't use the door knobs of course but she shuts it just enough that she can get her chubby little fingers to pry it back open.

Our little girl is now 10 months old going on 11 months on the 6Th of Nov, that is when the 31 day count down begins for the big 1st Bday. She is amazing and changes everyday. She is wearing 12-18 month clothes already and pretty tall. Here is what she is up to these days:

Words: (The given) "Dada", believe it or not her first actual word is "Jinhki".
She likes:
- Mommy, total mommy's girl although lately she is getting attached to Daddy. When he comes home from work she runs up to him requesting to be picked up.
-Jinhki She is in love with her dogie Jinhki. She follows her all around the house and loves to pet her and give away her food and snacks to Jinhki. She has become very good at that.
-Dancing, she will stop or drop whatever she is up to when she hears music to dance. And when she stares up at the computer and demands a "Mmmmmm".....that means "Someone needs to play my favorite song, because I'm ready to dance."
-Strawberry apple puffs, sweet peas, oatmeal, and any kind of table food but she especially likes Macaroni & Cheese -She gets that from her Daddy :)
-Water, she loves water and taking baths
-She loves her playmates Uriel, Jocelyn, and Maite they are neighbors and every time they get together she lights up.
-Parties, she loves going to birthday parties and hanging out with her little friends. She is very social with other kids. Not so much with adults she will start backing up really quick when a unrecognized face approaches her.

-Having her clothes changed
-Not being able to get what she wants herself- she is a very determined little girl
-being told "NO"
-not being able to walk Jinhki by herself she is very independent. She changes and learns new things every single day. She is such a joy! She lights up our house.

DJ.....where do I begin. He is also growing up too fast. They both need to slow down. DJ has been doing great in school and I will emphasize on the GREAT. He enjoys his teachers and loves hanging out with his friends. He is currently working on a school Book Project he is excited about. He says "I better get a good grade for all this hard work"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The kids staying active

DJ playing Ball with Friends

Keira looking like "Are you coming?"

DJ showing off his new Foosball table, hanging out with his friends in the basement

DJ & Re'Sean meet again after a long Summer

"Keira is off"

Our little part Mexican is starting off early with the Burritos

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back together again

DJ: DJ just started the 5th grade. He loves is new teacher and is thrilled that our neighbor from two doors down is in his class. We plan on keeping him busy this school year with activities outside of school. He will be playing football and possibly taking a break dancing class. He will be testing out the class to see if he like it next week so we shall see. DJ is getting much taller and it seems like he is growing right before our eyes.

Keira: She is taking steps now, about three to four at a time. She has mastered crawling and is all over the house. We also discovered that she can climb up stairs all on her own with no fear. Oh and how could we forget that she is now saying "DADA". I bet you can guess who is ecstatic about that. He is one proud Daddy right now. She is alot more social and loves to wave hello to strangers.

Big Bro n Sis bonding

She trusts him...

Jihnki is such a girl, has to be the center of attention
She wanted no help, had to do it all by herself

Playing peek a boo behind a tree with Keira

Showing Keira she can make beats ANYWHERE

Daddy's Little Girl

Our little athelete

She was so happy to have her brother back

Looking for something to get into

"Keira Bobira" as DJ would say

Mommy's little princess

Little Princess

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Keira 8 Months Old: Shout out to my Aussie Family

For more Videos of Drew JR and Keira check below. They each have their personalized YouTube channel with lots of videos always being posted. Stay up to date and posted on both of our growing kids, hope you enjoy.

Keira's YouTube:

Drew JR's YouTube:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Colorado Trip to Pop & Nana's

We took a trip to visit Pop & Nana out in Colorado Springs this month. My big brother Dj and I had a good time visiting our grandparents. I had a rocky time adjusting to new faces but slowly but surely I came around. We didn't do much site seeing but I did get to meet all Pop and Nana's friends and Family for the very first time. Pop & Nana spolied Dj and I as expected, I was welcomed with many many pretty little outfits all of which I am wearing in the pictures and my Big brother Dj got to pick some video games.

Hey, this looks like my doggie Jinkhi at home! Oh no my daddy told me it's Nana's dog Jetta.

They have another little dog everyone kept calling Kurry! She barked alot and loved to lick my face.

I teased everyone and pretended like I was going to start crawling but I wasn't quite ready yet.

Nana bought me this pretty pink Elephant and I was really excited.

Shopping with Nana at the Commisary. She let me hold her Military ID card.

Pop and I got to really bond

I enjoyed sitting with Pop and my big brother

My brother DJ says I'm really heavy!

My big brother DJ loved to take care of me.

My brother Dj wishd the Chocolate were real so he could drink it all up. Yummy!

Mommy are you still taking pictures!!!