Friday, May 8, 2009

Our Pre-Teen

Good ole' STRIDEX, signs that our little boy is becoming a teen...brings back some memories
"SENEIK!!!!" DJ yelped as he was caught red handed with a "Stridex (Acne Treatment Pad)" in his hand
He has as a major breakout on his forehead he is bugging out about

Bonding with his little sis....Says they were having a staring contest
Kiss goodbye as he is off to school

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cinco De Mayo

Mommy doesn't play around when it comes to holidays.
Mommy and I wearing our Sombrero's in celebration of our Mexican Heritage. Sheesh, What's she gonna have me wearing on Aussie Day?
Daddy and I stopped to get a White Chocolate Mocha, his favorite. I love it when daddy holds me I can finally see everything and the people don't look like giants.

Advancing so I can get into more trouble!

I'm rolling over now...mommy calls me her rolly polly. Every time I do something new everyone gets all worked up about it. What's the big deal?
Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles
Turns out I love these little flying round things.
Daddy bought me my very first "Ride", although I'm not cruising down the streets yet, I can push myself backwards.
Mommy do you really have to take another picture
Very Proud that I can finally sit up on my own.
I'm a lean mean sitting machine....oh yeah!