Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pregnancy:Week 16

Pregnant: Week 16 (4 months)
To the left are current photos of my belly. For those of you that know me you can see that the growth process has started off slowly. You can see how the belly is starting to round off a bit. I plan on posting photos every 4 weeks from here on to keep you all updated on the growth process.

As most of you know by now and after doing much research and interviewing of Midwifes, FatBoy and I have decided to go with a HOME-WATER BIRTH, assisted by a midwife. The birth will take place in a birthing pool, yes at home. (to the left is an example)

We are overwhelmed with excitement, words cannot describe. I trust my body and am very confidant that i can have a safe relaxing birthing experience. After all its like they say "No pain, No gain". No epidurals or any pain medication. Just me and my body working together to have a natural water birth.

We had our first visit with our Midwife last Saturday. The visit went well. We got to hear the baby's heart beat which was very healthy. FatBoy has been very involved and has been a awesome support system. We decided to find out the Birth of the baby in a few weeks. At first i didn't want to know, i guess i wanted it to be a big surprise for everyone including us. As time has gone by i find myself wanting to know more and more. I think part of it also has been that everyone is expecting me to have a "Girl"-No pressure right. Both sides of our families wanting the same, its all i seem to hear. Poor FatBoy has got his heart set on a baby girl, I feel as if i would disappoint people if i was to have a boy. If only we could determine that ourselves right? I personally am very happy with whatever it may be. I have never had my mind set on either a boy or a girl i have just wanted healthy babies. I know everyone would be happy either way but it still would feel like a disappointment. In due time we will find out.

I still have had no cravings of any kind. I have been feeling healthy and active.

So stay posted as i will continue to share with you our Birthing plans and pregnancy photos.